Art and Design by Katie Doyle
Art and Design by Katie Doyle
Toronto is made up of unique neighbourhoods but people are more engaged in the city at large rather than their own neighbourhood. People can be a part of the community in their neighbourhood while ensuring that it continues to exist and thrive by shopping at local, independent, small businesses in their area. Small, local business are struggling due to COVID and as stores reopen we need to attract customers to shop at local, independent stores. The concept was that neighbours would interview their neighbour with a small, local business about their business. For the prototype of this magazine I focused on Rosedale and targeted mainly wealthy women 30-50. By introducing them to their neighbours that own small businesses through the magazine they would become more connected to their area and the people in it. They would care more about the success of these small, local businesses and be informed about all the great places right in their neighbourhood.
I created covers for other neighbourhoods to show the universality of this project. It could easily be adapted to any neighbourhood in Toronto or elsewhere.